Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10, 2009

It's been awhile since I've updated. Life with Cori is hectic, but so rewarding. She had her two month checkup last week. She now weighs 13 lbs, 10 oz (90th percentile), is 59 cm tall (50th percentile height), and is in the 75th percentile for her head measurement.

She talks up a storm all day long and loves to say "ah-goo". She constantly tries to sit up while laying on her back, which results in her basically doing crunches over and over. She loves tummy time and is learning how to raise her upper body off the floor using her hands.

We are still co-sleeping and loving it. We get a lot of judgment for it, but it is the ideal sleep situation for all of us. I must be the best rested new mommy ever! Breastfeeding is also going amazingly well. We never have to supplement with formula and I'm getting more confident about being able to discreetly nurse in public. Cloth diapering is going great. Jesse loves it, I love it, and best - no diaper rashes yet!

Cori got her first shot last week, and we took her back two days ago for two more. The doctor was very supportive of us only letting her get 2 at the most at one time, which I am very thankful for.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

September 26, 2009

Cori Aletta has finally made her appearance!

She was born on September 23rd at 14:29 KST. She weighed 3460 grams (roughly 7 lbs, 10 oz), and was 50 cm long (just under 20 inches). She has a head full of dark hair and is just absolutely perfect.

I tried to remember everything as best I could, but I was pretty out of it with lots of intense contractions.

I had my 41 week checkup on September 22nd at 9am. My doctor decided then to go ahead and induce me since I'd been having painful labor contractions for about a month. I was almost completely effaced, but not dilated. My doctor decided to put me on Pitocin and see how my body and the baby reacted. If i didn't progress, he was to send me home and I'd continue to wait it out.

Around 10am, I was put on Pitocin. The contractions came soon after, but they weren't anymore intense than what I'd already been having for weeks. At about 3:30pm, I was checked and at 2 cm, but still not fully effaced. He decided to turn the Pitocin off and gave me a vaginal suppository to help finish effacing me. I was 2cm when the doctor checked me for the last time on evening of the 22nd.

When he came back in on the morning of the 23rd, (I believe it was about 6am), I was checked and at 4cm, still not fully effaced. The contractions were horrendous in pain by this point and so close together that I was having trouble breathing through them. Four hours later, I was checked again and still at 4cm. I was extremely disappointed because of the excruciating pain I'd been in for hours now. At this point, my doctor decided to break my water. Boy, was that a weird feeling. After a little poking and prodding, I felt a huge gush of very warm liquid. The contractions only worsened from there, as he also turned the Pitocin back on.

Much to my own disappointment, I decided to ask for an epidural. My husband tried coaxing me out of it, but I was in so much pain, I had to give in and ask. My doctor said that he highly discouraged me from getting it because it would drastically slow my progress. I didn't care at that point and kept begging for it. He kept putting it off, and somewhere around two or so hours later, he finally agreed to give it to me. I was still at 4cm when I received the epidural. All the epidural did was slightly numb my toes and slightly took the edge off of the contractions. I was still having to breathe and concentrate through the contractions and I could still feel pretty much everything.

Thirty minutes later, when the doctor came in and saw that I was still breathing very heavily, he asked me if the epidural had worked. I told him I didn't think so, and he started touching different parts of my lower body to check my reactions. I felt everything, so he agreed to give me one more dosage. I had the same reaction as before, and could still feel every little contraction. This was somewhere around 1:15pm, I think, and he told me I was 5cm dilated.

Another thirty minutes later, he came in to check for dilation. After he checked, he went over to the phone and called a nurse in. He was speaking Korean, so I had no idea what he was saying, but I was pretty sure I had heard the word "push". When he got off, he came over and said "Okay, you are over 9 cm, almost completely dilated and ready to push." I looked at my husband, looked back at the doctor and said "I'M 9 CENTIMETERS? I was at a 5 just 30 minutes ago." He replied with "Yes, you progressed extremely fast. You will be ready to push in just a few minutes."

The nurses came in and they all started prepping the room at this point for delivery. My doctor told me I was probably going to push between 1 and 2 hours. He told me that as soon as I felt the urge to bear down to just let him know and do what my body told me to. I was already feeling the urge to start pushing, so I did.

After only a push or two, my doctor told me that he could see her. Another push or two, and I heard Jesse say "I can see her head, you are doing so good, she's right there, she has hair!!" Talk about motivation!

After only about ten total minutes of pushing, she came out and was placed on my chest. I could never put into words the emotions I felt when I looked down and saw this beautiful being laying on my body. The doctor clamped the cord and handed the scissors to my husband to cut the cord. He described cutting the cord as very squishy and was told to cut slowly. As soon as he made the cut, he said lots of blood poured from it, and he described it as "really cool". I sort of held her for a few minutes up by my shoulder and face, and then she was whisked away to the nursery.

My husband and I have never experienced such joy when we saw her and no words would ever describe our feelings.

Since I tore quite a bit, and had an episiotomy it took the doctor about 40 minutes to fully stitch me up and for me to expel the placenta. I was moved to recovery soon thereafter, and a couple of hours later, our beautiful baby girl was brought to us. Our time away from her was just unbearable. We had worked so hard and only wanted to finally spend time with the little one we had been so anxiously awaiting to meet.

Right when she was brought to the room, she was handed to me and we had our first nursing sesion. She seemed to have a perfect latch and suck the first day that she was born. After about 24 hours of birth, the nutrionist decided that since she had lost a few ounces, she needed to have formula supplemented. Breastfeeding went downhill from there, and I am pretty angry with the nutrionist. We are trying to get back on track, and hopefully it won't take too long.

I will say that labor and delivery was very, very hard for me. I'm not even going to lie - it was, without a doubt, the absolute most excruciating pain I have ever felt. I was expecting the worst, and L&D just took it to a whole new level of pain. I've questioned in the days since she was born whether I could ever do that again for another baby. I feel like a lot of the blame of that is on my doctor. While he is a good doctor and I was happy with my prenatal care, I was more than disappointed with how he took care of L&D. I was made to lay on my back for hours, and even when I told him "okay, I just need to get up and walk for a few minutes, I can't lay here like this anymore", he just kept saying I couldn't. I was just made to lay there with an electronic fetal monitor on me for hours. The pressure on my back was unbearable and it literally hurts me to remember how I felt during that time. I feel very confident that I could have made it through labor and delivery without an epidural if only I could have been allowed to do what I felt my body was telling me to.

I really think labor & delivery would have been so much more empowering if I could have been made to feel more like a mother and less like a sick patient.

Cori is so worth it. She truly is. She is the most peaceful baby right now, and I just can't get enough of her. I took a nap with her earlier while Jesse played Xbox with Colin and Stephanie. I have never slept so well in my entire life. I just opened up my eyes every once in awhile, and I wanted to cry because my heart is just so very full. It's true that you will never experience the kind of love for your own child with anyone but your own child. I knew it would be amazing, but my god - I never knew it could be this great. I hope I never forget the euphoria I've felt since I birthed this beautiful little girl. I am in absolute astonishment that my husband and I created this life. I have nurtured this little girl for 40 long weeks, and now she is really here in this world with us. I have never felt so fulfilled as I do when I look into the eyes of my daughter and her father.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30, 2009

Well, time is certainly winding down. It's hard to remember that sometimes, but I know it really is. I am 37 weeks pregnant today, and we had our 37 week appointment yesterday. The little miss is still measuring 2 weeks ahead. She's apparently got a big head and long legs... sounds like her daddy. :)

My cervix is posterior, which just means the baby hasn't dropped totally yet, and he had trouble reaching it to check for dilation or effacement. I've been doing so much walking, bouncing on a birth ball, and everything else he suggested, but she still hasn't dropped as much as she needs to to really get labor started.

I've been having constant contractions that aren't too painful, but are just very uncomfortable and my whole abdomen gets tight. He decided to do a NST (non stress test) to make sure Cori wasn't under any stress with all of the contractions I've been having. He hooked me up to the EFM (electronic fetal monitor), and sure enough, I was having contractions every TWO minutes constantly. Luckily, her heart rate went up during each contraction and she got super active, which means the contractions aren't putting her under any stress. I was happy to hear that. I was also happy to learn that my Group B Strep test came back totally negative!

I've had so much discomfort during the last several weeks. I have what is called PSD (pubic symphysis disorder) which means that while my pelvic bone is supposed to spread to allow room for the baby, my pelvic bone has spread a little too far. It makes rolling over, walking for any length of time, or even just putting pants on very painful.

Because of her size, the doctor doesn't want me to go past my due date for fear that her head will be too large to deliver vaginally. I have very mixed feelings about this approach. If I haven't mentioned it yet, I fully intend on having a drug-free, natural childbirth. I have had my heart set on this since before we ever even conceived our baby, and I don't want anything controllable to hinder that. I feel that the baby will come on her own time, when she is fully ready. However, I do not want her to get so large that I end up needing a C-section. I would rather be induced any day than to have to have a C-section, so I am putting my feelings aside about not wanting to be induced and learning to accept that we may have to go that way. It is no secret that far too many C-sections are happening these days, and I feel like many of them are because of so many unnecessary interventions. Even if I have to be induced, I still plan on giving birth naturally. I know that I may change my mind once labor sets in, but Jesse and I have been religiously practicing our breathing techniques and he is already proving to be an incredible labor partner.

For now, my doctor has me doing many different kinds of techniques in hopes of helping Cori to drop and thus, help labor to begin. We are so ready to meet our little girl, and the days seem to grow longer everyday. We are definitely enjoying our last weeks or days as a two person family, but we are also very anxious and excited to become a family of three. I can only hope these consistent contractions every two minutes are doing something to help dilate and efface my cervix, but for now it's pretty much a secret since my cervix is nearly unreachable.

Our next appointment is this coming Saturday, September 5th, and it will be my 38 week appointment. We have our fingers crossed that she will finally have decided to drop and we will have some progress in the way of labor.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 27, 2009

We had a great doctor's appointment today! They went ahead and did my glucose screening test today, so that we wouldn't have to go back on Monday. He also seemed really surprised that the female doctor didn't take a urine sample when I went in earlier this week. He said it sounded like I had a bladder/kidney infection which is exactly what I told the other doctor. But, I LOVE my doctor, seriously. This is only the second time I've met him since he's only worked there a month, but he is great.

He walked me through every part of the examination, asked me if I had any questions, actually felt my stomach to feel where my uterus was (other doctor NEVER did that), he felt my back to feel my kidneys for pain, he checked my legs for swelling, and he just made me feel really good. He told me not to hesitate coming in WHENEVER I thought I needed to, and gave me his cell phone number to call him anytime for any reason.

Anyway, my white blood cell count was slightly elevated but still normal for my urinalysis, which he said probably meant I had a small infection but it's gone now. He just said to drink lots of water to make sure I'm flushing out my urinary tract and all that. My glucose test was totally normal, and he said there's absolutely no sign of gestational diabetes... YAY!!

We get to tour the labor/delivery/recovery areas when we go to our next appointment in 2 weeks. I can't wait!! :)

She's measuring about a week ahead in all of her measurements, and her heartrate was 132 - about 10 beats lower than it has been, but he still it was very strong and steady, so no worries. :)

Here's a picture! :)


Monday, June 1, 2009


I am 24 weeks, 1 day pregnant today. We had our Level II ultrasound and it was incredible. They checked her liver, kidneys, brain, the chambers of her heart, the vessels leaving her heart, her stomach, and the measurements of her arms, legs, body, and head. She is measuring PERFECTLY. Her arms and legs are measuring slightly ahead, but that just means she's got long arms and legs. There were no abnormalities and she is perfect. I could not only see her moving during the ultrasound, but I could feel her too, which was awesome. She weighs about a pound and a half now, and is starting to put on her baby fat. :)

Jesse can feel her on a regular basis now, and when she's super active, we can even see her movements in my stomach. It's bizarre, but incredibly amazing.

During the Level II ultrasound, the technician flipped it to 3D for a minute, and she managed to catch a great picture of her beautiful little face. I didn't realize just how much she would resemble a newborn at this stage in the pregnancy. I can't stop staring at the picture, and we are both so in love with little Miss Cori.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We had an excellent vacation at home, and are just looking forward to our next appointment and seeing little Cori Aletta now. I called the hospital on our first day home, and got the blood results for the Quad 4 testing, which tests for genetic disorders. Everything is totally normal, and I am told there is absolutely nothing to worry about. :)

In other news, we bought an adorable crib yesterday. We weren't going to, seeing as we have a perfectly good crib for when we move back to the states, but I could see how much it bothered Jesse that we weren't going to have a nursery. So, we caved and bought one. :) We also ended up buying a recliner because we have NO comfortable seats in the house where I would be able to nurse once the baby is here.

We also bought our crib bedding last night online. It's probably going to take like 3-4 weeks to get here, but that's okay. :) We got this one. I think it's perfect for either a girl or a boy, and Jesse couldn't stop smiling over it, so we knew it was the one.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

April 4, 2009

Well, today was such a fantastic day. We had our regular appointment first. I've gained two pounds of weight (finally some weight gain - yay!), my blood pressure was perfect, and I had my blood test for the quad screening. Then, I had my 2D ultrasound which was longer than normal, and he said that he was pretty sure it was a girl (see more about this later!). The baby was measuring right on target though, and looked perfect.

After that appointment was over, we had our 3D/4D ultrasound. It was simply amazing. She confirmed that it was in fact a girl, and we both just fell even deeper in love. It was sooo incredibly amazing.

She was seriously moving all over the place, dancing around, shaking her arms and legs back and forth. At one point, she actually turned her head and looked at us and it was SO cool. We got like 12 pictures, and a 20 minute video for like $40... seriously like the greatest day ever. :):):)

Her heartbeat was a steady 143 BPM, and she's the perfect length and weight for her size. It was just the greatest 30 minutes of our lives.

Our beautiful little girl will be named Cori Aletta Swinyer, and we can't wait to meet her. :)

Our next appointment is on May 9th, and our Level II ultrasound is scheduled for June 1st. I can't believe how fast the pregnancy is moving along, and it's such a fantastic feeling. Jesse has just had his hand on my belly all day, holding his little girl as best he can.

Click here for our pictures from today!